Friday, May 25, 2012


Hello all! Welcome to my blog. I have always wanted a blog and figured recently that now would be the perfect time to start one since a lot of exciting changes are happening in my life as of recently! Just a quick recap: Back in November of 2011 I moved from the big wonderful city of Atlanta to the tiny little country town of Nashville, GA. If you're wondering where the heck that is or even saying "I didnt even know there WAS a Nashville, GA, then you're not alone. I was clueless too until I met my boyfriend who was born and raised here!

That's us on New Years Eve :)

 Anywaaaaays, the first few months I was here was a bit challenging...I was so excited to be near my boyfriend and be done with our long distance, but I really missed Atlanta and all my wonderful friends. Not to mention it took me forever to find a job! I got hired at the mall in January and liked it for a while, but quickly decided that I was done with retail and it just wasn't for me and I wanted something different. I just got hired a few weeks ago at the Parks and Recreation Authority and I LOVE it...the job is never boring and everyone I work with is amazing!

My other big change is that I just started school again this week, for the first time in 8 years! I am PUMPED to finally finish college. At first I was a little depressed last month that I was turning 26 soon and hadn't really done anything with my life (education wise) and I was basically thinking "Good lord I'm about to turn 26 and have nothing to show for it!! I coulda had a bachelors degree and 2 MASTERS DEGREES BY NOW!! AAHHH"   But then (with the help of my wonderful man) I calmed down and put things into perspective and by the time my birthday rolled around, I was excited for the new chapters in my life and ready to tackle them and kick some ass! :)

So that's been what's going on lately, in a nutshell.

Basically I want this blog to be a collection of my daily thoughts and opinions, also with some fun thrown in like sharing recipes I tried from Pinterest or ones that I kinda just threw together on my own. I want to use this to share with people what is going on in my life and what kinds of things I'm into (books, tv shows, recipes, movies, etc.). Even if no one wants to read it I would love for this to be sort of an "internet diary" for me, but obviously without the lock so if my brother wants to read it like he did my REAL diary when we were kids he can just click on it and not pick the lock....jerk!! :P

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Everyone enjoy the 3 day (4 day for some of us...hehe) weekend and dont forget to remember why this weekend is even a holiday!